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Engineering Services

Our engineers can help you go inside the walls.

Engineering Services

Now that you know what you’ll be building…our team can help you with the engineering for either your wood and steel projects.  Instead of hiring an engineer for your team or dealing with the expense of expensive contractors, modl’s team of on-staff engineers can help you go inside the walls.  Whether your plans are engineered or non-engineered, we can help you every step of the way.

From the engineering side, you bring us engineered plans, you pick the service. If you say, “Hey, here’s my plans that I have purchased online, or here’s plans that we’ve already developed, can you please engineer them?” Absolutely, 100%. We’ll engineer them either in wood or light gauge steel. We can handle that all of that internally with our team of engineers so that you are ready for the permitting process.

When it comes to the floor trusses and roof trusses, we have affiliates in both the wood industry and light gauge steel industry that we can introduce you to. So at the end of the day, we’re able to handle really any facet of the engineering that you would need for us to handle for you.